The cave

The latest arrivals at Le Bonheur are : Isabelle and Bruno Perraud * (Beaujolais), Domaine de L'Aitonnement (Savoie), Matthieu Barret (Rhône), Vincent Couche (Champagne)
Wines of pleasure to share at Le Bonheur or at home.
The cellar is open every day with a simple phone call ... see you soon!
Behind our wines; men, women, a single passion : to bring you happiness.When I started in the sommellerie, a quote from Jean Orizet was posted on the cellar wall:
"To make great wine, you need a fool to cultivate the vine, a sage to regulate it, a lucid artist to make wine and a lover to drink it." I am content to be a lover and a passionate who likes to share and make discover the work of our wonderful winegrowers.
Building a cellar means selecting wines that touch us, speak to us, give us pleasure and which make us want to introduce them to you.Of course, there are hundreds of extraordinary winegrowers around the world, we have so far selected a few and through our tastings and meetings, we will continue to introduce you to new ones at Le Bonheur.

Among the domains that we have for sale in the cellar or on our wine list, you will find:


Domaine Les vignes de Paradis (Dominique Lucas) *, Domaine Belluard *, Jacques Maillet *, Domaine Curtet *, Domaine l'Epervière (Julie Portaz), Claude Quénard **


Domaine Pignier *, Domaine de la Pinte *

The Loire Valley:

M&S Bouchet *, Le Rocher des Violettes *, Domaine Masson Blondenet, Château Soucherie, Domaine Vacheron *, Domaine Guiberteau *, Didier Pabiot *, Domaine de Écu *

Rhône Valley:

Dard & Ribo *, Château de la Selve *, Domaine du Joncier *, Natacha Chave, Domaine Viret *, Domaine de la Roche Buissière *, Domaine de Marcoux *, Domaine Chaume Arnaud *, Hervé Souhaut *, Domaine de la Camarette *, Mouriesse Vinum *

Languedoc Roussillon:

Domaine Olivier Pithon *, Villa Symposia *, Domaine Léon Barral *, Domaine Coston *, Domaine Clos Massotte *, Domaine Cathala, Mas Foulaquier * ...


Domaine Chevrot *, Didier Montchovet *, Domaine Valette *, Jean Claude Boisset, J m Giboulot *, Domaine de la Verpaille, Fanny Saber *, Julien Guillot *, Château de Béru *


Jean Claude Lapalu *, Isabelle & Bruno Perraud, Charly Thévenet *

Bordelais, South West: Domaine Leandre Chevalier * (the horse man), Etienne Pristte *, Château Bernateau * (Saint Emilion), Elian Da Ros (Côte du Marmandais)

Provence, Nice, Corsica:

Domaine de Trévallon, Château Simone, Domaine de Toasc, Elodie Balme *, Domaine de Lauzières *, Yves Leccia, Jean Baptiste Arena *


Vincent Couche *, Vouette and Sorbée *, Fleury *


Pansy (Lucinges), Mentonello, Hagmeyer Distillery

* Domain in natural wine:

The so-called natural winegrower is non-interventionist and lets Nature do its thing, but accompanying it as best as possible, with respectful and gentle methods.The vines are pruned short to deliberately moderate yields. He obviously favors quality over quantity.
For winemaking, manual harvests are preferred over mechanical ones. Only indigenous yeasts are authorized to start fermentation and the use of sulfur is minimal or even zero (the AVN charter proposes a maximum dosage according to the wine produced, much lower than the official quotas!). The handling is gentle and slow so as not to ""shock"" and ""disguise"" the soul of the wine (little or no racking, aging on lees, weak filtrations, integrated oak…). When we speak of naturalness, it is in opposition to industrial, technical, formatted.
Each winegrower works in his soul and conscience, following this philosophy of respect for his environment, to produce a wine which resembles him and which will be refined year after year.
The freedom that the natural winegrower allows himself may go against obtaining the AOC for which precise specifications exist (grape variety, geographical area, and above all approval for tasting, etc.).
This is why the so-called "natural" wine is found by its atypicity sometimes classified as Cialis Generic Vin de Pays or Vin de Table de France.

And many other references that I invite you to come and discover while strolling in the cellar (the sales prices are as far as possible those of the particular price from the winemaker) or by consulting our wine list quietly installed in the restaurant.

Basically yours.